Volunteers make Marsden Jazz Festival happen!

01 July 2019

Be part of something special
Have great fun
Help bring amazing music to your community
Encourage people to challenge their ideas around jazz music
Learn new skills
Make lasting friendships
These are just some of the benefits that come with volunteering at Marsden Jazz Festival!
We are a charity so you can experience all this whilst helping a worthwhile cause! We have more than 100 events happening in over 26 venues across Marsden, inside & out, as our pubs, clubs, streets and park become our stage.
Front of House:
Ticket & merch sales, customer service, stewarding events, collecting donations, promotion, audience feedback
Stage Crew:
All things fetching and carrying, waste management, food & craft stall logistics
Street Shepherds:
Pedestrian safety, parade marshals
Back office:
Admin, band concierge, cash counting
Click here for a list of all roles and more detail
Visit our Volunteering Page on the website, & sign up using our quick and easy form.
We will be in touch about your availability & interests
We will offer you support and training for all roles
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the MJF 2019 festival team
© 2019