Marsden Jazz Festival
Jazz In The Yorkshire Pennines
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Beverley Beirne Quintet

Full Price : £16.00

Age 17-29: £8.00

Age 16 and under: £1.00

When : Sat 12th Oct at 7:30pm (Ends - 9:30pm)

Where : The Parochial Hall

Category : Ticketed, Headliners


Raised on a diet of Jazz and 80s pop, singer Beverley Beirne combines the two with her freewheeling and stylistically expansive project Jazz Just Wants To Have Fun, with stylish re-imaginings of perfectly chosen 70s and 80s hits.

Beverley is joined by a top-notch London-based band to perform songs including a sassy swing through Slade’s ‘Come on Feel The Noize’; a vocally seductive, piano-pounding jam of Adam and the Ants ‘Prince Charming’ and a marching New Orleans stomp twist on Billy Idol’s Hot in the City.

With John Crawford (piano), Flo Moore (Bass), Ben Brown (Drums), Rob Hughes (Sax & flute)
