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Beats & Pieces Creativity and Improvisation Workshop

Full Price : £12

Student in full time education: £6

When : Sun 7th Oct at 10:00am (Ends - 4:00pm)

Where : University of Huddersfield School of Music, Humanities and Media

Category : Ticketed, Available, Workshop, Join In


A unique opportunity to work with some of the top musicians working in British Jazz.

Beats & Pieces Big Band are, arguably, the pre-eminent progressive big band in the UK. They have toured extensively in Europe and North America and released three albums to date.

Over the course of the day (10am-4pm), participants will work with Beats & Pieces director Ben Cottrell, guitarist Anton Hunter and saxophonist Anthony Brown to create brand new music to be showcased in the final session. We’ll look at possibilities for coming up with initial musical ideas and how we might develop them, and explore improvisational methods.

The final session at 3pm is open to the public free of charge and participants are welcome to invite friends and relatives along.

All instruments + vocals welcome.

Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch.

Maximal number of participants: 40.