Gig Archive
Bonga / Mwamba / Champion
Full Price : £8
Child (16 and under): £
When : Sat 7th Oct at 12:00pm (Ends - 1:00pm)
Where : New Stream Stage at Royal British Legion
Category : Ticketed, Headliners, New Stream
A rare opportunity to experience three titans of free improv in close quarters. The group was first formed for a one-off gig in Newcastle with the help of Paul Bream from Jazz North East. Such was the chemistry of the trio, a recording was subsequently made and released in 2016 as “The Paperstone Suite”.
Featuring extended instrumental techniques and sonic textures varying between intricate quietness and fiery loudness, to witness a performance is to experience intense listening and communication between the musicians.
With Ntshuks Bonga (alto saxophone), Corey Mwamba (vibraphone) and Andy Champion (double bass).
“Paperstone Suite is a jewel of free jazz artistry, conceived and created in the moment, doing what Pukwana, Moholo and their confrères did five decades ago, bringing the love and brilliance of Africa to the very heart of England.” (The Morning Star)

Sponsor: Dr Strange